Aging Wisdom – Lessons 21-30


by Richard P. Johnson

Aging teaches me…

21. The true purpose of life … to become “living virtue”
22. The ultimate failure of life is not death; the ultimate failure of life is living without Love
23. That my feeling are holy, they give me insight into where I need to change
24. To live life balanced on Christ
25. That as I mature my spiritual pace quickens.
26. To distinguish between the “what” of me, and the “who” of me
27. To reframe my view of aging from a “world-view” to a “soul-view”
28. To rely on that small but potent inner voice of the Holy Spirit for guidance in everyday decision-making.
29. That wellness is a much a spiritual concept as it is a physical and/or mental concept.
30. That my true wealth is not measured with a calculator

© Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D.

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This article was originally published in an email newsletter. Reposted with permission.

About the author

Dr. Johnson is nationally recognized for his pioneering work in Healing and Medical Behavioral Sciences. As Director of Behavioral Medicine at a large teaching medical center, Dr. Johnson was responsible for teaching medical interns and residents the “art” of medicine. He has taught hundreds of persons interested in healing. His fresh ideas and enthusiasm for the spiritual aspects of adult development and healing have inspired scores of maturing adults to follow their hearts and live more abundant lives. He is a dynamic, engaging, and compassionate teacher who delights in seeing his students grow personally and spiritually. He has written many articles and over 40 books all focused upon God’s expansive grace. Dr. Johnson is a devoted Catholic Christian; he and his wife Sandra live in St. Louis, they have three grown children and six grandchildren. Dr. Johnson holds a doctorate degree in clinical counseling from the University of Florida; he was also awarded an honorary doctorate from Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, Indiana in 2010.

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