Aging teaches me…
31. That peace is internal not external
32. That I must always have dreams
33. That I function best when I have a personal cause, passion, goal, or purpose that is bigger than me
34. To have fun: activities that rejuvenate my body, or stimulate my mind, or enrich my soul.
35. To welcome change into my life
36. To see beauty, seek delight, and be in awe
37. To give my burdens to God
38. To cultivate a “confidant” relationship.
39. That the maturation process is a time of emotional and spiritual vitality and vibrancy
40. That aging is a time to “give-back”
© Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D.
Find your deeper self… read the book
Even Better After 50: How to be Well of Body,
Wise of Mind, and Whole of Spirit in the second half of life
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This article was originally published in an email newsletter. Reposted with permission.