The Older Mind May Just Be a Fuller Mind

It is fascinating, encouraging and somewhat intimidating to be living in a time when so much effort and research is being devoted to understanding the brain and the “mind”. There are regularly news items and articles being published revealing new insights and unresolved questions about brain health and development.

The New York Times has a very informative blog. I would recommend that you may want to review it and connect with current information related to the many topics concerning aging. Earlier this year there was an article “THE OLDER MIND MAY JUST BE A FULLER MIND” (Benedict Carey/ January 27, 2014) where the summary conclusion is that when it comes to memory and recalling information for older adults – “It’s not that you’re slow. It’s that you know so much.”

Well, I’ll leave it to the researchers to determine the validity of this suggestion. However, what is increasingly evident is that the many assumed consequences of aging of former generations are no longer being accepted as inevitable and irreversible. I would encourage you to share any helpful information you are discovering with the rest of us through this CHAT BLOG.

Throughout history there are many examples of those who have made a significant contribution, which would benefit future generations, in the transitions of the later years of their lives. Max De Pree in his book Leading Without Power makes the following comments about times of transition and change where we are not bound by expectations of “what used to be” BUT of “what can be”. It is this understanding of potential that can influence our staying engaged and active, using the fullness of our experience and capacities to serve others as contributing elders within the community where we live. It is our hope that we may be making a contribution to you in these years of change and transition through the resources and activities of the CENTRE for HEALTHY AGING TRANSITIONS.

“Transition is a great deal more than change. It’s a growing and a maturing and an understanding and wisdom gaining process. Transition gives us the opportunity to rise above polarization. Transition is a marvelous polishing of our intellectual and spiritual and emotional faculties. It’s a process of learning who we are. And it’s an opportunity to renew our dreams and refresh our calling.” – Max De Pree

About the author

Co-Director of CHAT, Centre for Healthy Aging and Transitions

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