Hello Friends,
This issue of our latest newsletter comes with some big news to share. After 10 years, Paul Pearce, co-founder of CHAT and current director, has made the decision to step away.
In the last 10 years, Paul has carried a vision for a 2nd half of life that is fuelled by the understanding that our culture’s view of aging cannot answer its fears, nor offer a hope for the future. Under Paul’s leadership, CHAT has explored a clear vision of ageing and maturing that sustains us through every transition in the 2nd half of life. It is a vision that speaks of a fruitfulness far beyond what we can do, into what God is doing and completing in us. This vision helps us to take on a mantle of eldership that will become a legacy for generations to come.
CHAT has sought to resource – through education, conversation and connection – a gospel articulation of ageing that is real, hopeful, and offers strength to match every circumstance and transition we face. Thank you, Paul, for the great work that you have started.
Under the leadership of the steering committee with Mary Dickau as transitional chair, CHAT will continue to offer creative resources and grow our sense of connection as a people journeying together to become a gospel light on a hill for our time. We are excited about the plans we are making!
Let me tell you about some resources we are preparing for the fall:
As CHAT develops further we want to hear from you. What ideas do you have, what would you like to offer as a resource or encouragement? Most of all we want to ask you the question, how can we help?
As we journey together,
Mary Dickau