It will be critical for people of faith to be thoughtful and contributing to the current debate in Canada about physician-assisted suicide, which continues to attract significant media attention. It is and will continue to be one of the most troubling social issues in the next few years for all of us entering the later years of life and also for the generations following us. Due to their significant numbers, the boomer generation has been very influential over the past four decades in shaping public policy. It is suggested that the individual’s freedom to exercise the “right to die” will be an ever increasing moral and legal question society will need to resolve.
I would encourage you to read a recent interview with Dr. Iain Provan, who is the Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College in Vancouver. You can access this by clicking here.
As Christians, we will all need to be engaged at some level with working out a response, regardless of where the courts and public opinion determine a broader societal policy and practice.
I invite you to respond to this BLOG with any resources (you tube clips; TED talks; articles; books) you have found to be thoughtful and informative.
~Dr. Paul Pearce Nov. 1 2013